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Your Facebook account was suspended because your linked Instagram account doesn't follow our rules

Your Facebook account was suspended because your linked Instagram account doesn't follow our rules

You received a message stating:

„Your Facebook account was suspended because your linked Instagram account doesn’t follow our rules. Log into your linked Instagram account to appeal our decision. You may have the right to challenge our decision in your country’s courts, or refer our decision to a certified dispute settlement body.”

The message contains a foreign-sounding Instagram account name that certainly does not belong to you.

Since you’re reading this article, I assume that a similar situation has unfortunately affected you, your company, or someone close to you.

Contacting Facebook Help Center

A natural solution in such a situation seems to be contacting Facebook’s Help Center. Theoretically, a Facebook user should have the ability to appeal the decision to suspend their account. In practice, however, this turns out to be impossible because filing an appeal requires logging into a fake Instagram account that never belonged to you, preventing you from logging in.

Further actions in this situation include attempting to contact Facebook (during which it turns out that Facebook does not have an email address to write to) and reporting the issue through Facebook forms, such as, and finally seeking help online.

Unfortunately, my clients’ experience shows that these actions often do not bring the desired results. Facebook either does not respond at all or sends standard automated responses that do not solve the problem.

Difficulties Arising from Losing Access to a Facebook Account

Losing access to a Facebook account can be very problematic, especially if it is used to manage a company fan page. Lack of access to the account means losing contact with customers, inability to publish content, and manage ads. This can lead to serious financial and reputational consequences. Sometimes, the result of losing access to an account is a decision to create a new one, but rebuilding the position and gaining a similar number of followers can take years and require significant effort and resources.

Legal Actions

In situations where standard actions do not bring results, it is possible to take legal action and submit a legally justified request to the owner of Facebook – Meta Platforms Ireland – for account restoration. As a Law Firm, we have successfully helped many people in similar situations. Our actions yield the desired results, usually restoring access to the account within approximately 5-6 weeks.

Thanks to our knowledge of the law and experience in pursuing claims against Meta Platforms Ireland, we can assist in situations where ordinary actions do not bring results. Our services are provided remotely via email communication in English, and actions are initiated based on a scanned power of attorney. If you need legal assistance concerning Facebook or Instagram, please contact us at and we will help you regain access to your account.

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